Diabetic nephropathy

In diabetes nephropathy develops owing to damage to the renal vessels. The more duration of diabetes, the greater the probability of developing nephropathy. Diabetic nephropathy is purchase captopril online now the leading cause of high morbidity and mortality in patients with diabetes mellitus.


The reason for the defeat of the vascular system of the kidneys is hyperglycemia and high blood pressure. kidneys can no longer Under these conditions adequately perform the function of filtering and concentration of substances in urine are determined that they are normally retained by the kidneys, and remain in the body (e.g., a protein).

Symptoms of Diabetic Nephropathy

The danger of this complication is the fact that developing sufficiently slowly and gradually, diabetic kidney disease remains undetected for a long time, does not cause clinically as patient discomfort. And only on severe (often terminal) stage renal disease the patient has a complaint related to the intoxication of the organism nitrogenous waste products, but at this stage considerably help the patient is not always possible. Be attentive to him and with the appearance of these symptoms as soon as possible, contact your doctor immediately: swelling of the hands, ankles, or under the eyes, shortness of breath when walking or climbing uphill, fatigue, insomnia, loss of appetite, nausea.

The impact of diabetes on the kidneys

In each kidney there are hundreds of thousands of so-called glomeruli, are responsible for the process of blood purification. The blood passes through tiny capillaries of the glomeruli, in contact with the tubular, which moves the purified blood. As soon as purified blood passes through the tubules, and most of the liquid is absorbed normal blood components and returned back into the body. A waste together with a small amount of liquid come out of the kidney into the ureter, into the bladder and then from there go out through the urethra.

At the beginning of diabetic kidney disease do not work what is normal, and even redundant, because through them a large amount of glucose, which pulls a lot of fluid and causes an increase in pressure within each glomerulus. This rapid blood flow through the kidneys called the glomerular filtration rate increased.

At the early stage of diabetes membrane surrounding the glomerulus - glomerular basement membrane - thickens, as well as other adjoining tissue. These expanding membrane and tissue are gradually replacing the capillaries inside the glomeruli, which is why the past can no longer be sufficient to clean the blood. Fortunately, the human body has a reserve of glomeruli, so even if one kidney fails, blood purification process continues.

But if left untreated kidney disease for 15 years or longer, in the blood shows signs of beginning renal failure, which is fraught with the appearance of uremia - a chronic self-poisoning organism due to renal failure. Uremia is characterized by the accumulation in the blood of toxic products of nitrogen metabolism (azotemia) and violation of the acid-alkaline balance. Its manifestations:. Lethargy, headache, vomiting, diarrhea, itching, seizures, coma, etc. In the absence of remedial measures for 20 years, the kidneys may completely refuse.

Not all patients are equally likely to develop diabetes, kidney disease and kidney failure. high-risk group consists of patients with high blood pressure, but nephropathy develops only half of hypertensive patients besides diabetes.

Early symptoms of kidney disease

The earliest sign of diabetic nephropathy - a microalbuminuria. Healthy kidneys into the urine is passed only a small amount of albumin - protein contained in blood. When nephropathy albumin in the urine increases.

However, in the early stages of the disease the presence of albumin in urine slightly, and it can not be detected by conventional analysis, a more complicated. You collect all the selected urine per day and sampled for analysis a sample of this amount, or from the urine collected over a certain period of time, typically four hours. If albumin levels are too high, the analysis is carried out to make sure once again, because some of the factors (eg, physical activity) can cause a false positive result. The second positive is definitely indicative of kidney disease.

What tests need to pass in order to check the work of the kidneys, and the meaning of their results - details here. There you will learn how to control your blood pressure to prevent kidney failure. Microalbuminuria, identified about five years before it can be detected by routine blood tests, it lends itself to a complete cure. Microalbuminuria, diagnosed by a routine blood test, can not be completely cured.

If you're type 1 diabetes for more than five years or if you have been recently diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, you show screening for microalbuminuria. If a negative result is obtained, it should be repeated yearly analysis.

Studies on which reports have been published in the New England Journal of Medicine in June 2003 year showed that microalbuminuria does not always lead to renal failure. Patients with type 1 diabetes who have managed to improve the performance level of glucose in their blood, normalize blood pressure and blood cholesterol levels, have reduced microalbuminuria symptoms and therefore slow the deterioration of kidney condition. Furthermore, these patients showed such improvements in health status.