
No matter whether you want to lose weight, strengthen bones and cardiovascular system jogging certainly help you. What is the use of jogging, the impact of light jogging on the body, on the lessons and recommendations of appliances jogging.

Slow Running less traumatic for the joints than a sprint, but to strengthen the bones, heart maria sharapova meldonium, lungs and burn calories it is useful, no less. At the same time it is a relatively heavy impact load is not too suitable for people who have problems in the knee or ankle joints.

With age naturally reduced bone density and strength, and thus increases the risk of degenerative changes (e.g., osteoporosis) and fractures, especially hip and spine.

Useful than jogging?

This is an effective way to pump up the muscles and strengthen the lower body bones: each step when running - this is an additional load which leads to build muscle mass.

At the same time, this kind of stress is fraught stereotyped these injuries. No wonder even professional runners often complain of pain in the knees and "shin splints". Long running on hard ground, you increase the risk of degenerative diseases of the joints, in particular osteoarthritis or osteoarthritis. It is therefore particularly important comfortable, stable, shock-absorbing shoes. If you regularly run, sneakers update once a year, preferably every six months.

On your marks!

Before the race do not forget to warm up properly and stretch. If you've never run, or simply are in bad shape, increase the load very slowly. Start with brisk walking, including in it for about a minute of this run. With the improvement of forms gradually change the proportion, alternating walking with all the longer run.

Breathing should be more frequent (we are talking about aerobic exercise), but running should not interfere with casual conversation. If the air is not enough, then you have taken too fast paced. Braking to slow down or go to step until otdyshites, then gradually accelerate to the optimal speed.

Let's be realistic

Starting the jog, do not expect that in two months will be able to overcome the marathon. First of all, model the correct technique, and only then build up speed and duration of runs. Set realistic goals: even small victories - a great incentive to continue training and development success.

In diabetes, chest pain, angina, asthma, epilepsy, hypertension, consult your doctor before jogging. The same applies to pregnant women and people who have recently undergone surgery. If you have painful joints (especially knees), do not run on hard ground - asphalt, concrete, cobblestones.