Stimulation of ovulation

When ovulation occurs?

On average, ovulation occurs on the fourteenth day of the menstrual cycle (at 28-day cycle). However, the deviation from the average is often observed in some degree is the norm. The length of the menstrual cycle in itself is not a reliable source of information about the day of ovulation. Although usually a shorter cycle before ovulation occurs, and when a longer - later.

Standing for every woman ovulation rhythm undergoes a change within 3 months after the abortion, within one year after childbirth, and after 40 years, when the body prepares for premenopausal. Physiologically ovulation buy clomid online ceases with the onset of pregnancy, and after the extinction of the menstrual function.

How are the ovulation and conception?

Female body endowed with two ovaries located on each side of the uterus. The ovaries produce hormones, the most famous of which is estrogen and progesterone.

The ovaries contain ovules at the stage of fetal development girls. The two ovaries of newborn there are hundreds of thousands of eggs. However, they are all idle before puberty and the first ovulation, that is about 12 years. During this time, a certain number of the cells are killed, but remains 300,000 - 400,000 full of eggs. Since the first ovulation and before the onset of menopause a woman survive 300 to 400 menstrual cycles, resulting in the same number of mature oocytes that can be fertilized. During the menstrual cycle the ovaries matures one of the plurality of eggs.

Under the influence of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) pituitary - endocrine glands on the lower surface of the brain, follicle starts to grow (pouch) to a selected ovulation in this cycle of the egg. The diameter of the follicles early in the cycle does not exceed 1 mm, and 2 weeks later he reaches 20 mm. As the ovarian follicle growth surface on the convexity is formed, which increases to the size of grapes to midcycle. Liquid contained within the follicle and the small diameter of 0.1 mm nucleolus.

The period of ripening the egg until it is the outcome of the ovary may last from 8 days to a month, although on average it takes about 2 weeks. The main factor affecting the duration of this process is the time it takes for the body to achieve the ultimate level of estrogen. High estrogen stimulates the sharp increase of lyuteostimuliruyuschego hormone (LH), which causes the egg to burst through the ovary wall within one to two days after a sharp rise in its level. In the middle of the cycle, about 12 days after the onset of menstruation, it emits a large amount of pituitary luteinizing hormone (LH), and about 36 hours after ovulation.

Chromosomes are found in the cell nucleus, are carriers of the genetic code. The purpose of fertilization - the fusion of two sex cells (gametes), derived from individuals of different sexes. All human cells contain 46 chromosomes. Therefore, the two gametes have to form a new cell containing 46 chromosomes, too. In simple addition we would have 92 chromosomes, but this would lead to a biological error, the consequences of which would be a kind of termination. Therefore, each partner should halve their number of chromosomes (up to 23). The egg reduction in the number of chromosomes occurs after release of pituitary luteinizing hormone, a few hours before ovulation. For this it is enough conversion of 20 - 36 hours. Preparing themselves to receive the sperm, the egg pushes the periphery, in a small bag, called the first polar body, half of their chromosomes. The meeting with the sperm has to happen at certain times. If that happens before the egg is ready to accept sperm, because they do not have time to share their chromosomes; if - later, it risks missing the period of maximum readiness for fertilization.

The following 14 days after ovulation, the second part of the cycle, held in preparation for the conception of the mucous membrane of the uterus. All training is in vain, if conception has not occurred, and its biological consequences will be, along with menstruation. But in one of the ovaries is already preparing for the new egg is ovulation.

To plan pregnancy at an irregular cycle is difficult, because in addition to the need to control the arrival of ovulation, you must also monitor their health. At the stage of planning of pregnancy every woman should live a healthy lifestyle, eat right and maintain hormonal balance. Establish production and natural balance of progesterone and estrogen in the body helps to complex "Time Factor". Biologically active substances in the complex will not only alleviate the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome and normalize cycle and thus make it possible to identify the days suitable for conception.