Alopecia in women

Alopecia in women - a pathological loss of hair due to their loss. The disease leads to partial thinning or cover, or to its full disappearance in some parts of the head and the body. There are several types of alopecia in women - is alopecia buy propecia online (alopecia), diffuse (symptomatic), androgenetic alopecia.

According to available statistics, the problem of baldness is facing a third of the female population. The age at which manifests alopecia varies, but often the hair starts to fall after 40 years. Nevertheless, noticeable hair loss may be much earlier, aged 25 - 30 years.

To diagnose the disease and determine the treatment necessary to visit a dermatologist, a specialization which trichology.

Causes of baldness in women

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. Hair loss due to lack of estrogen, while testosterone begins to prevail, which is not typical for the female organism.

Iron-deficiency anemia. Often the lack of hemoglobin and red blood cells caused amenorrhea, adherence to a strict diet, refusal of food of animal origin, back-breaking exercise. As a result, it suffers from a woman's appearance as a whole and the condition of her hair in particular.

The period of childbearing and lactation. Firstly, most of the nutrients coming to the woman's body, it is not wasted, and the fetus. Secondly, there is a serious hormonal changes. The third woman is suffering from fatigue and chronic fatigue. All three of these factors adversely affect the condition of hair, as a result they begin to fall.

Fungal destruction of the dermis. Vital functions of pathological fungi causes of baldness on the type of alopecia. It requires mandatory medical consultation and treatment of antifungal drugs.

Pathological disorders of thyroid function. Foremost among alopecia causes hypothyroidism.

Frequent stress, nervous system disorders, all of this becomes a cause of circulatory disorders of the scalp leads to baldness.

Chronic diseases. Any chronic disease leads to deterioration of the condition of the hair. In this regard, a negative impact systemic diseases such as lupus and rheumatoid arthritis, infections - pneumonia, tuberculosis, syphilis, poisoning.

Receiving drugs. Drugs that adversely affect the set has, in particular, this hormonal contraceptives, antidepressants, laxatives, aspirin, drugs for the treatment of oncological diseases, agents for reducing the body weight and the like. D.

Injuries and some beauty treatments. Any injury to the skin and hair: tension, coloring, bleaching, blow-drying, weaving African braids and other manipulations have a negative impact on the condition of the hair. With regular chemical, thermal and traumatic effects of the woman is required to begin to lose their hair.

Subcooling of the scalp, which leads to a vasospasm.

Intake of excess caffeine.

The defeat of the dermis head bacterium tuberculosis or parasites of burns, radiation effect - all of which can lead to scar alopecia. This bulb is destroyed, the hair stops growing forever.

Chronic telogen effluvium - a balding, causes of which can not be established.

Lack of zinc in the body.